

Living Scroll Publications:

This is the literature arm of Revealed Oracles of God. It is responsible for publishing books, tracts, and other Christian materials for the edification of the body of Christ. For over a decade, books have been printed and distributed to God’s children without a charge. They have also been made available online for free download.

Revealed Foundation:

This arm of Revealed Oracles of God is responsible for organizing relevant training programs for all those who want to know Christ more & more and to serve Him lovingly. Under this arm, discipleship training has been going on every day for more than a decade.

Conscience of The Nation:

This is a gathering of God’s people and all lovers of The Truth, for personal spiritual revival, revival in the church, revival in Ghana and beyond.

Resources | List of books

  • A message to those at the crossroads
  • Waxing strong in Spirit
  • Broken vessels
  • Bread baked in hell
  • Awake, and Christ will give you light
  • The cry of Apostles and Prophets
  • Making your calling and election sure
  • Bargaining for pure gold
  • Christian modesty
  • Golden distinctions of end-time saints
  • Important sign posts for believers
  • Demystifying parables and sacrifice
  • The realm of divinity, contradicting the World
  • The paradox of maturity
  • Thirty pieces of silver
  • ‘Weightier’ matters
  • Because of the hour
  • Brethren, let us grow
  • Masked blessings
  • Remember the poor
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